BOOK: Legacy – James Kerr

Legacy is the perfect gift for teenage boys who don’t read, the best book for rugby players who don’t read or for coaches of any sport trying to establish a team philosophy.

Legacy is essentially 15 life lessons from All Black Rugby.

A brilliant insight into what makes the AB’s tick, their pride, humility and core values. You soon learn that the All Blacks success is attributed to something to an immersive and engulfing culture, so much greater than 23 great rugby players and a good coach. Truly one of the best books I’ve ever read and is a must read for ANYONE interested in rugby.

So much more than a rugby book, if I were a coach, boss, CEO or mentor I’d buy and give out a copy to every single player and parent in the club or employee and client I know.

Brilliantly written, I can’t do it enough justice.

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